KYOCERA Precision Tools

CA115P / CA125P

Next Generation CVD Grades for Steel Turning

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Experience the new standard in steel turning applications with unmatched tool life

CA115P CA125P Inserts

Versatile and Specialized

Kyocera has designed the CA115P/CA125P series to provide extended tool life and superior performance in a variety of machining scenarios. The CA115P is ideal for continuous to light-interrupted machining, offering highly efficient and precise results. CA125P is optimized for continuous to heavy interrupted machining, making it a versatile general-purpose grade for steel machining.

Under the Surface

The newly developed proprietary coating and carbide substrate of the CA115P/CA125P series offers unmatched wear and fracture resistance. The coating properties on the rake and flank faces are optimized to provide excellent wear resistance. The black and gold appearance and stark contrast are beyond cosmetic in nature. The black rake face is composed of a highly uniform alumina layer reducing wear, suppressing cratering, and diminishing fracturing. The striking gold flank includes a hard surface layer, a highly uniform alumina layer, and a unique TiCN layer while also allowing easy edge defect detection. All these layers on the flank work together to improve the wear-resistant properties of the insert and to suppress surface abrasion. Below the coating, the new carbide substrate displays enhanced resistance to plastic deformation and exhibits increased temperature resistance.

2024 Fall - 2025 Winter Promo Pack
NEW Discounted turning kits available!

Cost-efficient turning kits featuring a toolholder and 10 inserts in new grades CA115P or CA125P now available. Check out our latest Promo Pack featuring all new Milling, Turning, and Cut-Off solutions to maximize your productivity.


Extended tool life in a wide variety of applications


CA115P CA125P Application Map CA115P CA125P Applications

Newly developed proprietary coating and carbide substrate

Optimized coating properties on rake and flank faces provide wear resistance and fracture resistance
Ultra-uniform alumina film reduces crater wear

CA115P CA125P flank face CA115P CA125P wear resistance

Cutting Conditions : Vc = 980 sfm, D.O.C. = 0.059", f = 0.012 ipr, Wet
Workpiece : 4137

CA115P CA125P flank face CA115P CA125P fracture resistance

Cutting Conditions : Vc = 980 sfm, D.O.C. = 0.059", f = 0.014 ipr, Wet
Workpiece : 1045 (4 grooves)

Ultra-uniform crystal orientation structure

Excellent wear resistance due to highly uniform alumina layer

CA115P CA125P alumina film crystal structure Crystal orientation structure illustration

Cutting Conditions : Vc = 980 sfm, D.O.C. = 0.059", f = 0.012 ipr, Wet, Workpiece: 4137

Crystal orientation analysis (EBSD pattern)
A higher percentage of red indicates a more uniform growth pattern

CA125P uniform crystal direction Conventional A non-uniform crystal orientation

NEW PMG Chipbreaker

Covers a wide range of machining applications from medium machining to roughing
Excellent wear resistance with low cutting force design
Reduces chip shape inconsistencies and improves tool life

PMG Chipbreaker Features PMG Chipbreaker Image
Free Knife

FREE Ceramic Knife with NEW CVD Test Report
Submit a CA115P or CA125P CVD steel turning grade test report and we'll send you one of
Kyocera's popular ceramic paring knives FREE!

Case Studies

CA125P Case Study 1 CA125P Case Study 3
CA115P Case Study 2 CA125P Case Study 4
CA125P Display

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